Oprah needs to…

read your book. That’s what my mom said today as she was reading through the proof of my first book, Extraordinary Endurance. And that’s exactly what I thought as I was writing it too. For real. I’ve imagined myself having conversations with Oprah in private and being interviewed on her show. I’ve imagined my book as one of her book club picks as well. Not because I think I’m a phenomenal writer or fancy myself as a New York Times Bestselling author (maybe someday) but because I speak from the heart…and maybe swear like a sailor along the way in order to inspire my readers, YOU, to live your best life. I visualize these things because I truly believe it’s a book that we all need right now. And I know for a fact the power of visualizations. So does Oprah! That’s why I worked so hard for the past year to make my dream of becoming an author and getting this book published a reality. As we work through finding our way back to “normal” after a year of complete turmoil and chaos, we all need Extraordinary Endurance now more than ever. So, Dear Oprah, I hope you will find time in your incredibly incredible life to read my humble book. It’s a story woven together with incredible love and beauty and intention and inspiration from above and all around me. I hope you love it so much that you will have me on your show. I have so much hope in my heart and every fiber of my being. I know you do too. Much love and light to you all.


My next book…