Language of the Soul

The language of the soul is





Revealing its true colors, true power, true light

In dream form

In meditation

Sit with your soul awhile

Listen to what it has to say

Pay attention

Attend to your inner world

Connect to the divine within

And feel the cosmic connection to all the divine in the Universe

Your soul is timeless, genderless, pure energy

Love embodied

Cut from the same cloth as all that is

It knows the longings of your heart

Long before you have words to speak them into reality

Your soul is stirring the energy that is the derivative of those dreams

Into a masterpiece in waiting

Recently, I commissioned my beautiful friend

To design a logo for my budding business

When she sent me the finished product

I felt tingly goosebumps from head to toe

I had the intense realization that

My soul knew what I was

What I would become

Long before this moment

Expressing the future through acrylics

Painting the dreams that would burst forth

Encouraging me to spread my wings, trust, and take flight

Before all that now exists

There was space for my hopes to grow

May 26, 2016

I volunteered to work at a painting event that my friend was leading

And ended up painting instead

Something inside me whispered

You must.

So I painted

I painted myself

My soul

My dream star dragonfly

There I was

Six years before I would truly understand

That my soul had been speaking to me

Before the BQ attempts, before the garden, before Iron Endurance, before Kate, before my books, before many of my dreams came to fruition

There was my soul, speaking in full color

You are a dream star dragonfly

A masterpiece

Radiating with magnificent light

Full of energy that will change the world

Trust yourself

Follow your heart


And so dear friends,

I continue to place my trust in things that can’t be seen

But felt in a much deeper way

My faith is my cornerstone

Guiding me through times unknown

What I know to be true

Is that I have more to share

And so I dare give you a glimpse into my next project

A book of poems full of darkness and vulnerability beyond compare


From the smoldering ashes

The Phoenix doth rise

So to has my spirit

Though the dark tried to shroud my soul

I no longer fear it

Feel the love pulsing from my heart

May you draw near it

I am limitless light embodied

Though the weight of the world tried to crush

I have persevered it

I look up to the star studded skies

With enchanting emerald eyes

Graciously humble yet forever wise

From the lowest of lows and highest of highs

Hear the roar of my triumphant battle cries

Rise spirit rise


Let Nature Be Your Teacher


My next book…