Let Nature Be Your Teacher

My first children’s book is HERE!!! The inspiration for the book came during the beginning of the pandemic, but truly, it’s been simmering in my soul for years and years. The book is called Let Nature Be Your Teacher. Mother Nature is simply the greatest teacher ever. Don’t you agree? She has so many lessons for us to learn. She is patient and allows us to discover this truth in our own time.

I once again teamed up with the amazing Melanie Bess to bring the words to life. Melanie created the most vibrant, beautiful, extraordinary artwork to go along with the message.

The lessons I have learned and continue to learn from Nature are innumerable. Let me try to list a few…

Stay grounded in the present.

Keep your face turned towards the sun.

Even in the darkest of dark, there is a sliver of light.

Let go of things that no longer serve you.

Be your own kind of beautiful.

Trust in your own natural transformation.

Dance to your own grouse-like drumbeat.

Strength is found in stillness.

Flow like the water, discover the path of least resistance, carve your way, glide over obstacles.

I could go on and on.

What lessons has nature taught you?

Grab your own copy today! The link is on my Etsy page - Dream Star Dragonfly, or you can find it on my website, dreamstardragonfly.com


Language of the Soul